CompanyCam Meets Claim Juicer

CompanyCam is now integrated with Claim Juicer and I’m pretty excited. This is just another step in the right direction when combating big business insurance companies. This integration covers the entire claims process and any potential processes of photo documentation needed throughout the claim. With our custom operating process which CompanyCam calls “To-Do List” we’ve created one, simple documenting process that covers things like supplementing needs or proof of need with insurance adjusters, appraisal, legal, public adjuster, needed photos and equally as important photos needed for material ordering. This photo report literally has everything you need. Best of all, Claim Juicer is offering the CompanyCam service to you for free. If you’re a Claim Juicer customer check your email and if you’d like to be a Claim juicer customer send us an email at

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