From adjusting to selling, contracting and now supplementing I’ve seen a ton of lists, guides and strict instructions on photo documentation. Photos still seem to be an annoying needed process in our industry. I’m going to give you a couple free solutions for photo document SOPs. These two options should cover all of your photo documentation needs for things like pre-production supplementing, ordering materials, proving a missed item with an adjuster, managing OT items or photo reports for the appraisal process, public adjusting and legal.
The first option is a free document that I created, which you can find at the end of this blog. It gets deep into the details that can help an inexperienced sales guy or an employee that doesn’t understand the importance of photos. It almost gives them a stylistic vision of the needed photos helping the person on the other end better understand the photos.
The second option is CompanyCam, we have linked up with them to give you a free account. This is such a great experience and no training is needed. This cell phone app tells the photographer exactly what to snap a photo of, starting with taking a picture of the front of the house from 40 ft. away, it’s pretty simple. The photo report is downloadable, sharable and it has a custom url link that anybody can open. If you would like that free company cam click the link below and I’ll send you that document. (