Standardized claim writing softwares like XM8 and Symbility are mutating into something I’m seriously concerned with. Years ago, XM8 didn’t exist as the go-to platform for writing an insurance estimate. In fact, I remember just getting into the insurance restoration industry and receiving an estimate from a small mutual carrier on a carbon copy paper estimate, yeah, like this one… Honestly, I didn’t know this stuff even existed anymore. I know this ages me but stick with me… The industry from what it used to be, has changed. The age of computing has brought many great solutions and we are reaping those benefits but there are a few of those solutions that favor big-business-insurance companies, leaving you behind. The amount of money these big-business-insurance companies are putting into algorithms, schematics and analytics overpower and seem to either force us into compliance or learn the ever-changing art of supplementing. If you think supplementing is any different from writing an estimate or lump sum bid, check out our “what is a supplement video” but the important idea I’m trying to convey is, you can be an insurance restoration contractor or a supplementor. Yes, I get it, there are people who will hate this in the comments and they probably do both with great success but… it’s an unscalable business model. Eventually (if scaling) you will have to give it up.
Recently, I was watching an orchestra and I noticed the conductor was pretty much-doing nothing (or at least that’s what it looked like to me). I saw the percussion, the horns, and strings doing all of the hard work and this guy was waving his hands. As a dad and middle-aged man, it was my moral and ethical obligation to research it, and I was shocked. This guy waving his hands around actually created the song, he wrote each instrument’s harmony and music, spent hundreds if not thousands of hours on this one thing, sound familiar? Well, it should, it correlates well with our industry. This conductor is no different than you! At some point, that conductor had to give up playing an instrument and focus on his orchestra, just like you have to focus on your company “as a whole” in order to scale and that’s not even talking about our insurance restoration industry. Yeah, the industry where the deck is stacked towards the big-business-insurance companies. The industry where we must comply or conform, I mean, we feel awkward when we use the word policy. Supplementors know the instrument of supplementing, we practice it every day, we know the new tactics and how to combat them, we know what the insurance company will and won’t approve on any given day and our ears are on the door of big-business-insurance-companies. You don’t have time to play a single instrument and even if you did, we are better suited to meet your needs than you are… We can help your orchestra, your company – Keep the focus on cash flow and profit, give up, yeah it’s scary, give up the instrument of supplementing and pivot that focus on selling or production until it’s time to give that up too…
Check out our free supplement tool on our website to see what your potential supplement could be.