What do you get with a Claim Juicer Supplement?
This is a question we hear often, and the answer is… A LOT! I mean, really, A LOT.
So first and foremost, Claim Juicer creates a supplement in 2 documents. The first document is a lump-sum-style estimate. When we create this document, we love using the words estimate and lump-sum. It takes a lot of the walls down for adjusters and makes the entire “supplement” (lump-sum or estimate) an easier approval. It outlines the already approved insurance estimate and adds the supplement items separately, leaving one bulk, lump-sum estimate number at the bottom! This is the first document the adjuster will look at, and we can’t begin to tell you how powerful this document is.
The second document is labeled “supplements only”. This document is viewed as only the supplement items, the missed items. If you’d like to see how we calculate our supplements, you can check that video out called “The five elements of a claim juicer supplement,” but this document is a stand-alone outline of missed items, waste factor calculations, code items, manufacturer specifications, and unique (to the project) items.
These documents get deep into the “why” of the line item. They preovercome and prove “why” the line item is NEEDED.
A few examples of that could be a code item, including the code enforcement officer’s contact info or the attic ventilation proving the math using real explainable math.
You will also receive a plethora of supporting documents. To go over each document in detail would extend this post into hours, so I’ll spare you the time expense, let’s leave that for the adjusters. But here is a quick rundown of these documents:
A waste factor calculation report that outlines items like field shingles, hip and ridge, and starter strip.
A valley metal report, drip edge report, code compliance report, manufacturer specification report, dumpster reasoning report, OSHA reports, a fall protection report, ice and water report, ladder protection reports, yard clean-up reports… I think you understand the idea of our supporting document reports you get! Claim Juicer has over 200 reports that are customized by 3rd party companies, public adjusters, Claim Juicer staff, and code enforcement. These documents preovercome many desk adjuster objections and make for an easy approval.
I did leave out one report that is going to make you Thousands, and I’ll tell you a bit about it, its the General contractor overhead and profit report.
This report is amazing and, most of the time, worth the flat rate by itself. It outlines everything you have to do as a general contractor, from meeting with customers, subcontractors, and suppliers to trade management and office work. It outlines in EXTREME detail why you are not just a roofer but an insurance restoration general contractor. We are so proud of this report, and honestly, we still get a bit giddy to show it off for the first time to new contractors.
Obviously, we do send in XM8s if required and CADs if needed to support our estimate, but we try to keep the documents unique and force the adjusters to look at the project like that too, your customer and project can sometimes be just a number, and that’s the reality of the industry. Let’s change that.
Delivery, Claim Juicer will get you your preproduction supplement within 48 hours, and it will come via email. This email will be jam-packed with all of the documents listed above. Download these documents and send them to the insurance company’s claims department. If you need some assistance finding that information, let us know, and we’ll help!
Also, in this email will be two essential components.
1. statistics, yes we give you the new money percentage, the total lump-sum amount, and the total new money cash amount. This comes along with a line-by-line custom description of each supplement and why we are asking for that specific item.
2. desk adjuster notes. When and if you need to discuss the supplement with the adjuster, we have outlined a line by line, item by item illustration to both bring up to the adjuster for that specific item in question and overcome any other objections they may have. All in arms reach.
Now that you know what you get from a Claim Juicer supplement, are you ready to get your project started? Visit claimjuicer.com and click register or watch the how to use our service video to see our complete process outlined.